About Me

I am the staff photographer for Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green. I have pursued my passion for photography since high school and graduated with a degree in Photojournalism from WKU. I have previously worked as a staff photojournalist for the Bowling Green Daily News and graphic designer at Earnhart + Friends advertising agency. In addition, I have also taught as an adjunct instructor of Photojournalism at WKU and at the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund Multimedia Workshops.

Outside of the office I am an avid trail & ultra marathoner, rock climber and kayaker. Bringing the outdoors and photography together, I have served as Photography Director for the American Climber Science Program (under the umbrella of the American Alpine Club) and have been the photographer for the 2011 and 2013 environmental mountaineering expeditions to the Cordillera Blanca range of the Andes in Peru. To bring the outdoor adventure life to my home, I served as president of the Bowling Green Riverfront Foundation for seven years to establish an outdoor recreation area on the Barren River. 

Finally, I am a co-host of the Southeastern Trail Runner Podcast, which can be found of iTunesSpotify and everywhere podcasts live.



